Spouse Career Programme

Career Counseling for Spouses in Denmark.

What is the Spouse Career Programme?

The Spouse Career Programme contains 6 or more individual meetings with a professional career coach, who will dedicate time, focus and network on supporting the spouse towards his og her next job – regardless if it’s a part-time job, a full-time job or freelance projects.

Also, we have an E-learning platform, where the spouse can learn about Job Search, Workplace Culture etc. in between every meeting.

The programme is suited for English speaking spouses with a real motivation and wish to get a job in Denmark.


Why a Spouse Career Programme?

Danish research conducted by the Danish Think Tank, DEA, in november 2016 clearly shows the importance of a job for the spouse:

“While highly educated immigrants with families overall tend to have longer stays in Denmark han singles, the length of their stay largely depended on their spouses’ employment prospects. Of highly educated immigrant families where the spouse had found employment within the first year of arrival, a full 81 percent were still in Denmark five years on, compared to 68% of immigrants whose spouses were not employed.”

In other words, it makes perfectly sense to invest in a Spouse Career programme – both for the company and the spouse.


Getting to Know Danish Culture and Job Market

Danish Culture

Danish culture is partly defined by our welfare state and socially minded policies. On an individual level, on the other hand, making new friends can be tricky. How should a new expat approach establishing new contacts and creating a network in Denmark of their own?

Job Search in Denmark

Searching for a job in Denmark is quite different from job searching elsewhere. You need a specific toolset supporting your progress. Likewise, you need to be aware of the obstacles inherent in a language barrier, even if Danes are fairly sufficient at English. We will help you develop your toolset and reach out to Danish companies.

Workplace Culture

A passion for equality also defines the Danish workplace culture and you rarely encounter a competitive atmosphere, nor is it very encouraged. The key to thriving in a Danish company is establishing good relationships and rapports with your colleagues.


Networking in Denmark

In Denmark, you need a proactive approach to your job search. This is for the simple reason that most job openings are filled without the use of a job advertisement. Because of this, your network will be essential for your process – which can be a challenge for any newcomer.


Interested? Let’s get in touch!

Contact us, who’s in charge of the Spouse Career Programme. Use the form below and we’ll get back you you.

NB: This is a B2B product. Purchases can only be made by companies.